Have a nice day readers...!!!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Craft Work - 13 - Net Flowers

This post is similar to that of Craft Work - 1 where flowers were in orange and white combination which was made by me couple of years back.

This one is made by the kids with inputs from me and this time in lovely pink and white combination.

-- Dhanesh Amma

Craft Work - 12 - Cafe house - Puzzle

With the extended holidays for school, an additional trip to native was made last weekend. We got this puzzle in market for forty rupees and fun time for kids for an hour or so in getting this done.

-- Dhanesh Amma

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Craft Work - 11 - Minions

We were supposed to close the craft work for this vacation, but upon seeing the cardboard tubes which were present inside the brown wrapper for school notes, could not resist myself in trying out something new for the kids. 

Kids were inspired to see the first minion which I did and came forward to do the 'minions' by themselves. They both did two minions at a time, and reserved one to be gifted to their cousin and aunt. 

-- Dhanesh Amma

Craft Work - 10 - Fridge Magnets (Home Made)

I have seen fridge magnets in many shops, but have not paid any attention to buy them. This vacation has been a wonderful time, being with kids and participating with them to make the below objects and decorating the house. Though these kind of stuff are found in shops, the "home made" is something which makes it more beautiful, that too when they are done by kids. 

-- Dhanesh Amma

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Craft Work - 9 - A Parachute

A post on craft after a long time. As the kids are growing, keeping them busy indoors during summer vacation is a very tough one. This vacation went very well by trip to native for long two weeks. This year, DD's and their cousin's favorite time pass has been with various art and craft items with ideas and help of their aunt.

Their first attempt was a parachute made with chart paper.

-- Dhanesh Amma